You think that once the kids are past 12 that they will be so much more self sufficient. I totally forgot that I didn't begin to feel like an adult until about 5 years ago so how the heck do I expect a 19 and 24 year old to act like adults?! It's a little bit sad because the 24 year old sometimes acts more mature than I do. I hate that she's been pushed (by circumstances - not by me) into maturing so fast. Of course that doesn't mean that she knows how to keep a bedroom clean. Of course I'm glad I'm no longer a teenager but I have to say that I sometimes miss being in my yellow bedroom with my yellow formica topped desk (that my Mom had made especially to match my room) not giving a second thought to dinner or dishes or laundry or bathrooms. My Mom was a Mom of the 50's (and 60's and 70's) and everything in the house was just miraculously done. It was the housemaid fairy! Of course my Mom wasn't doing me any favors in that - as soon as I was out on my own - I had no idea that you needed to pull delicates out of the dryer before they dried (and shrunk) completely. Where the heck did all the dust on the shelves, top of tv, etc. come from ?! I never saw dust on anything in my home growing up!
It's a beautiful, sunny day here in the South. I think I'll go home and go through a few photo albums and close my eyes and try to imagine that I'm 12 and in my yellow bedroom - waiting to be called down to dinner. Oh wait! That would also mean that I would still have metal braces on my teeth and the food would get in them and I'd be in the bathroom all night trying to get it out. On second thought - I think I'll go home, kiss a photo of my Momma and Daddy and whip out a Healthy Choice microwave meal and watch a recorded tv show from last night. And if one of the kids needs their laundry washed - well, I'll probably end up doing it for them at some point. Like I said, I wonder why they're not more self sufficient?
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